(keenantrotter on youtube.com)
In society today we endure all type of feelings that weigh in from every which direction. It is difficult to ask ourselves if the country we live in accepts us for whom and what we are, but for most that question has already been answered. Still, we can’t help but wonder if the hate that all of us receive from various areas, is because of who we are or others insecurities.
Back when Christopher Columbus “pretended” to discover America we learned that they too had their speculations about those that they came across as they ventured onto unknown land. Speculations that later made a nation of people relocate and even die, destroying a culture, a people that lived on this land long before anyone came from over seas. This was the beginning of a strife that to this day we have yet to overcome. Year after year people succumb to the hate, the intimidation, the insecurities, and what they were taught to believe in from the past. Year after year our people fail to recognize that the past is the past for a reason, and that being wise comes with maturity, and that is something that has yet to be experienced be many whether Caucasian, African American, African, Asian, Hispanic, Indian, European, whatever.
Regardless of race, nationality, ethnicity, sex or sexual orientation the America we live in has been taught to judge each of us based on who we are. No it isn’t right, but what is there to do about the stupidity that stretches from East to West, North to South. There is a lot to be done about our home, our Nation, but it starts with owning the voice that comes from within us, the voice that we want recognized, the voice that represents us as individuals and as a people. Hate has gone mainstream, and it isn’t stopping at calling African Americans “Niggers,” it has expanded to African Americans hating African Americans, Caucasians hating Caucasians, etc. It has spanned to heterosexuals hating homosexuals, people being divided by class and gender, the saved against the unsaved and it goes on and on.
We manage to hate so much because we don’t have a clue as to who we are, and yes that is a personal belief but it is a personal that has proven to be true time after time. I lived in a home where homosexuality was not accepted, and because I feel that homosexuals should be treated the same as anyone else, and because I feel that it’s a life choice that those individuals made and should not be condemned for, I was told that I should see a psychiatrist. Everyone has an example showing that we are a hateful America. I don’t care who an individual is, as long as they are a good person, they are welcomed in my life. I grew up around all types of hate, and still managed to be understanding of others regardless of who they are. People feel that by being understanding and accepting of others that we agree and feel that everything is right. That isn’t true. I feel that homosexuality takes away from the reproduction of life, which is something that we need to survive as a people, but I believe that everyone deserves to be happy, and to be happy with who makes it possible.
Our Nation has taken away from many people rights that they should have. Our Nation feels that they have the right to control this land, and they don’t. We are so torn apart that we don’t even see that we are hurting ourselves. Martin Luther King Jr. had to die because of stupidity, Malcolm X had to die because of stupidity, Emmett Till had to die because of stupidity, soldiers in Iraq, John F. Kennedy, Matthew Shepard, Lawrence King, Ann Frank, and many other all had to die because of others who judged and hated them because their values were different, and because they were different. Each of these people could have and some did make a huge difference in our lives as a “people.” So where do we go from there, do we learn a lesson, no we don’t and we remain in the same frame of mind just more hateful.
Nothing ever truly goes out of style, such as platform shoes, but it is how many people utilizes it that counts most. We know that change is a progression, and progress comes over time, but that time is now. There is no reason for races to dislike each other we all bring different qualities to the table that can benefit us all. You have those that believe in a “pure” race, and I say show me one and I will shut my mouth. You have those who feel that anything that is different from what they know, understand or have been taught is wrong. I say show me where we are not all equals in some form or fashion and I will shut my mouth.
There are those who are taking a stand and who have decided that this Nation of ours is too colorful, too talented, and too resourceful to live the same year after year. This year alone has proven to be a huge stepping stone for those who want change, and those who see ability in people regardless of who they are. By that I am referring to having two presidential candidates that many may not want in office, but who I see as going down in history for the commitment that they have exemplified in many ways, mainly because they have take sacrifices by going for what they want and challenging the way our country has been for centuries. Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton are astounding figures for their endurance and candid qualities that have brought them this far in the 2008 presidential candidacy. Are they the push that we need as a Nation to finally break loose from this hate that we have so long dealt with? Doubtfully, but it surely is a start.
Barack Obama is a true example of a modern day MLK Jr. I am honored to extend that comparison to him because he has more riding on this than any of the three candidates. He knows the challenges he face and although some may not want to say it, I believe he recognizes that if he wins he may not be able to complete his term, but he is making a stand that others have not been able to do. He has brought being Black, being African, and being American to another level. He is the example of a well educated African American man who carries his culture, his name and himself as well as one can. He has earned the support of thousands whether white or black and is commended for making it as far as he has. He and his opponent for the Democrat position have earned our respect in different ways.
Hilary Clinton makes us proud as the first woman presidential candidate. She is what a real woman should be. She is a hard worker, a go-getter, and she has gone through some hard times and managed to keep her head up high and came out on top. Here she is as a Senator gone Presidential candidate giving women who want so much more in life to see that it is possible and that women are equal to men in so many ways. 2008is the year of change as we see with both Obama and Clinton, so how do we take this a step further.
Again I emphasize that change is a progression, and progress comes over time, but that time is now. Whether someone is running for President, marrying into the family of another race, coming out of the closet about their sexuality or who they are as individuals, or are of a different sex or class we all benefit each other on different levels, and can learn from one another. We miss blessing by discouraging ourselves from supporting and embracing our people, and by our people I do mean everyone from every walk of life. There are not too many times anyone can say that HATE is a thing of the past. We Are One, and no matter how much some may not like it, we can live as one. Brothers, sisters, children, parents, people are dying because of hate. People are deprived because of hate of who they are, what color they are, what religion they are, what sex they are, and so much more. We will always find a reason to dislike someone, but why? We benefit each other, and I don't want to loose a piece of me because of ignorance. This is a Nation's strife, and it needs to be solved as a Nation.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
A Changing America
Posted by MYSTI at 8:17 PM
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