Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Criminals of the Law

On New Years Day, 22 yr. old Oscar Grant lll was fatally shot by a BART police officer. grant who was obviously unarmed, and handcuffed was put to the ground face down and ruffled by the officers, until one decided to end the young man's life. Grant was out with friends that day and wound up the target of a unjustified shooting.

While there were many onlookers and witnesses that came forward telling what they saw, along with video footage, it is still unclear as to whether or not the officer will be charged with murder. As we all know. there have been many times when citizens, become victims to police brutality and fatality. These very officers seem to "get off" every time, or receive the "light" punishment. However, if it were someone who did not hide behind a badge, would they too receive such "light" punishments.

Police have killed time and time again, those who have not caused them any harm and who leave behind loved ones. We always focus on the good that  the police do, but what about the tragedies that they cause to innocent peoples' families. Just because they have a shield that declares them keeper's of the peace, doesn't mean that their intentions are good, and doesn't mean that they will do just that. One thing we can say is that it most likely mean's they have a "get out of jail free card." So, are we all pawns in a monopoly game, or are we people who deserve to live peacefully and willfully without ducking and dodging police brutality.

Let's ask Sean Bell  who was murdered in 2006, the morning of his wedding. Let's ask Amandou Diallo who was shot 41 times in 1999.  Lets ask 23 year old Michael Pleasance who was shot in the head by a Chicago police officer in 2003. Tha same officer was promoted to Detective in 2005. We can't ask these gentlemen because they were murdered and their murderers were not brought to justice.

Read the below paragraphs so that you too can get some insight on rights of victims families and never let these people get away with murder. 

Police officers are only authorized to use force that corresponds to situational demands. When a police officer negligently discharges his weapon, applies an improper submission hold, or uses an excessive amount of force that results in death, the victims family has the right to bring a wrongful death claim as well an action for the violation of the victim's civil rights. 42 U.S.C. §1983, allows individuals to bring suits in federal courts for civil rights violations.

The consequences of police misconduct can be grave. Wrongful shootings, as well as "less lethal" weapons like Tasers and Mace have caused many deaths. Certain methods of restraint and transportation have been linked to fatalities. The wrongful death lawyers at Walkup Melodia understand what it takes to tackle a case against the police, sheriff or highway patrol. Whether a death results from inadequate training, negligence, or conscious abuse of authority, our police brutality wrongful death team has been there before.

Video of Michael Pleasance death

Video of when police may be justified for a shooting... even though they were not present... this would be a good time to save "INNOCENT" lives.