Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Simply Irresistible

I have had the luxury of taste testing products from a new sweets company, called SimplyIrresistibleSweets. 

This company was established at the start of the New Year for 2009. Knowing that her food was loved by everyone, Stephanie, the founder began to explore other avenues. She soon realized that she possessed a skill that stretched beyond dinner and breaskfast, she was great at making candy and chocolates.

As she began to make recipes that she could call her own, and even alter already exixiting recipes she began to think about how simple it would be to share this love and joy with others. As someone who loves to see people eat her cooking, she set out to form this company and she did.

Simply Irresistible Sweets is set to debut on the 1st of February, but is already on demand by those within the Midwest. It is anticipated to be popular throughout the USA within a year of production.

Simply Irresistible Sweets focuses on making sweets tasty, but not too sweet. Stephanie believes that their is a balance between delicious and healthy, rather healthier. 

Simply Irresistible Sweets speacializes in Nutty Monkey Fudge, an original recipe, Stephanie's original sweet potato pies and custards, sugar cookies and chocolate covered cherries. Simply Irreistible Sweets also produces tasty and delicious fudges, such as its infamous Orange Cream fudge. It also has various muffins, chocloates, cookies and great caramels.

For more information on this company and even to order, go to www.simplyirresistiblesweets.com.